Dr. Bremen Vance
Assistant Professor of Technical Communication

Dr. Bremen Vance joined Mercer University Department of Technical Communication in 2021. Previously, he taught at Northwest Missouri State University and Iowa State University. Dr. Vance considers technology and writing to be intertwined and interdependent, and he uses programming and computer-aided methods to study large collections of text. Dr. Vance teaches courses in Writing, Media Design, Content Strategy, Social Media Management, and Web Development. In his past roles, Dr. Vance worked as an instructional designer and a writing program administrator.
Dr. Vance is a member of the Society for Technical Communication and IEEE. He is a supporter of digital scholarship and has served as the web master for the international ProComm conference. Find out more about Dr. Vance at bremenvance.com
Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Professional Communication, Iowa State University
M.A. in English, University of Northern Colorado
B.A. in English, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Area(s) of Specialization
- Digital Media
- Web Design
- Content Strategy
- Content Management
Research/Professional/Teaching Interests
Dr. Vance studies trends in technical communication and writing instruction. He has published several articles and proceedings on the integration of technologies into writing and communication classes. His recent projects have used data-driven approaches for the analysis of texts through corpus-linguistic methods and content analysis. Many of his recent projects involve developing digital tools in a variety of coding and programming languages, especially Python and JavaScript, for text collection, analysis, and presentation of quantitative data.
Recent Publications
Goode, Jennifer, Bremen Vance, and Erica Stone. “What’s Trending in Tech Comm Job Ads?” Intercom, January 20, 2022. https://www.stc.org/intercom/2022/01/whats-trending-in-tech-comm-job-ads/.
Coffelt Tina, Cosgrove Samantha, and Vance Bremen. “Measuring Business and Professional Communication Skills.” Business Communication Quarterly 85, no. 2 (2022): 169–91. https://doi.org/10.1177/23294906221082235.
Gallagher, Philip, and Bremen Vance. “Teaching with Google Workspace Platforms in Agile, Team-Based Communication Situations.” 2021 STC Technical Communication Summit Proceedings, June 5, 2021, 55–61.
Cosgrove, Samantha, and Bremen Vance. “Aligning Content with Reality: Practitioner Perspectives on Textbook Keywords.” 2021 STC Technical Communication Summit Proceedings, June 5, 2021, 34–38.
Vance, Bremen, and Lauren Malone. “Book Review: Rhetoric Technology and the Virtues.” Communication Design Quaterly 8, no. 4 (2020): 29–30.
Malone, Lauren, and Bremen Vance. “Playing out Social Action: Game-Based Learning and Visual Rhetorical Analysis.” CEA Critic 80, no. 1 (April 17, 2018): 21–29. https://doi.org/10.1353/cea.2018.0002.
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