Dr. Loren Sumner
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

- Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology (Major topic area: Hydrodynamic Stability | Minor: Environmental Hydraulics)
- M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
- B.M.E., Highest Honors, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Bachelor of Liberal Arts, Maryville College
Area(s) of Specialization
- Alternative Energy
- Fluid Mechanics
- Hydrodynamic Stability
- Turbomachinery
Research/Professional/Teaching Interests
Dr. Sumner focuses his research on particular topics in the thermal-sciences branch of mechanical engineering. Guided work for M.S. theses have considered the micro-fluidics of flagella with perturbation theory and both theoretical and experimental investigations into non-wetting droplets is microchannels. He especially enjoys serving as client for capstone senior design projects which have successfully developed many devices to include PEM fuel-cell systems, a micro-hydraulic turbine for electrical power generation, and a small gas turbine engine cycle with balance of plant. Alternative energy systems are also of interest and particularly in the context of global resource management considering safety, security, sustainability, and the environment.
Other Interests
Dr. Sumner is married with one daughter, a Mercer graduate now proudly serving our country. He enjoys live music, guitar, and ultra-endurance sports, and once logged many hours running the trail, swimming, and cycling. But mostly, Dr. Sumner enjoys interacting with Mercer students as they work to develop understandings and capabilities in mechanical engineering.
Favorite Publications
A theoretical work investigating non-wetting:
- Loren B. S. Sumner, Andrea M. Wood, and G. Paul Neitzel, Lubrication analysis of thermocapillary-induced nonwetting, Phys. Fluids, vol. 15, no. 10, pp. 2923-33, Oct. 2003.
A senior design project upgrading an axial-flow hydraulic turbine:

Will Fox, Clayton Guest, Alex Meyer, 4-in Axial Flow Turbine Runner, PDR – Fall 2018, CDR – Spring 2019
Pictured left to right: Will Fox, Alex Meyer, and Clayton Guest
Office: Engineering Building 105